Why You Need to Embrace Video in 2020

In 2014, we discovered on-line video was going to emerge as the single most dominant factor in anyone’s long-term brand strategy.

In 2015 and 2016 we dove into the deep end of the video pool, publishing on a weekly basis. Dana and I did a lot of experimental splashing and thrashing about.

By 2017, marketers everywhere agreed that video had climbed to the top of anyone’s tactical list.

Through 2018 and 2019 things shifted again. Video experienced another renaissance; transitioning from a singular tactic to becoming the strategic hub of an entire business and brand strategy.

One of the stark revelations from the pandemic of 2020 is now blindingly obvious:

Any business that does not have a video strategy in place this year runs the very real risk of being left behind. For good.

It’s one thing for a business leader to know they need to embrace a video-based strategy.

It’s another thing to dive in. Take that leap of faith.

If you’ve been sitting on the fence or hesitant in any way on this issue, it sometimes helps to see what somebody else is doing when they are just getting started. 

Let’s zoom over to the Louisiana Bayou and hop on board The Real American Motorship and watch a CEO named Joe take the video plunge on this edition of Leaders & Legends

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do” LEONARDO DA VINCI

p.s … By now you have gathered that being “willing” or “interested” is not enough. We must do. But, it helps to know some of the numbers that support that assertion, especially in the wake of COVID-19.

  • Studies show upwards of 80% of viewers have consumed more content since the coronavirus outbreak than they did before.

  • 86% of people would like to see more video content from brands in 2020.

  • By the end of 2020, the average person will watch 100+ minutes of video content per day.

  • By 2022, it’s estimated that 82% of all content creation will be video.

  • According to SmallBizTrends, people are more apt to share a video 1200% more than other forms of content.

In a broader sense, any business and brand needs to recognize that long-term marketing investments made right now may not pay off with short-term sales. That’s why it’s crucial that business leaders see that jumping in with both feet on a video strategy right now is the surest way to have a running head start, rather than be caught standing still when the “new normal” finally does arrive. 

Whether you are looking to earn more sales, improve web traffic, educate buyers, attract talent, offer support to current customers or connect with the buyers of tomorrow, it’s difficult to imagine any business having any real hope for long-term success unless a solid video strategy is in place before the end of 2020.



The language of brand speaks to humans in a way that is metaphorical, meaningful, emotional and symbolic. The language of business communicates in a way that is logical, literal, mechanical and analytical. How then, does a business leader – in any industry – any product/service category become fluent in BOTH of these vitally important languages?

This unforgettable keynote/workshop (and preview of the forthcoming book) is now available in a Virtual format, Designed to challenge accepted notions of how long-term brand-building really works these days, it forces leaders to re-think what's possible and the role they play in creating modern-day legacy. Here is a preview of BIG LITTLE LEGENDS - How Everyday Leaders Build Irresistible Brands.


For more information: bookings@gairmaxwell.com

p.p.s. ... At this time, we want to be able to serve small to medium size business owners with an open heart and no strings attached. If you are facing a business or branding challenge that you are not quite sure how to handle, we’re only a click away.

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