A Big Little Tipping Point

Do 't, knight. I'll write thee a challenge. Or I'll deliver thy indignation to him by word of mouth.


To sell products, services, or expertise of any kind, there is one timeless, trusty marketing approach that will never be regarded as hot, trendy or high-tech.

Dating back to 1601, "Word-of-Mouth" is a phrase that originally appeared in the Shakespearean comedy Twelfth Night. 

Inexpensive and organic, Word-of-Mouth advertising ranks highest in credibility as it steadily snowballs from one person to another until … it magically becomes an unstoppable avalanche! 

Word-of-Mouth recommendations explain why the works of Sir William Shakespeare are still revered, studied, and performed to this day. Word-of-Mouth is also responsible for some of the most recognized books of all time. It is the marketing holy grail achieved by legendary authors such as JK Rowling, Dan Brown, Paulo Coelho, Rebecca Wells, and E.L. James; mighty pens that unlocked literary treasures such as Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, The Alchemist, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood and Fifty Shades of Grey.

In many respects, Big Little Legends is benefitting from a loyal, grassroots following actively sharing its message; how the enduring appeal of legends can positively impact buyer behavior in your favour. That spreading accelerates when someone who has “been there, done that” weighs in with his personal experiences on how Word-of-Mouth magic has been happening since the 17th century.         

With 20 million+ YouTube views from a homemade video, this award-winning singer and storytellers know a thing or two about the power everyday people possess to create a groundswell. Watch as Dave Carroll from “United Breaks Guitars fame” explains why the little black book with the magical cover may be on the verge of a Big Little Tipping Point on this segment of Leaders & Legends.  

"The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behaviour crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire." MALCOLM GLADWELL

 p.s… With the wind of many passionate voices in its sails, a book can reach millions of readers in a way that dramatically tips the scales as Malcolm Gladwell described in The Tipping Point. Published in 2000, Gladwell’s book earned mixed and lukewarm reviews, before a core group of readers started telling their friends and before you can say Six Degrees of Separation, the whirlwind ensued.

Sadly, however, some scammy marketers have figured out how to manipulate bestseller rankings on every platform, from Amazon to the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Some companies charge people hefty fees for a ghostwritten, flimsy book of dubious value and rig the system to allow that person to call themselves a bestselling author. Others downright cheat, paying upwards of $200,000 to secure a spot on the New York Times bestseller list. Mitt Romney, for example, artificially boosted sales for his 2010 book No Apology: The Case for American Greatness by requiring book tour hosts to purchase up to $50,000 worth of copies. Rarely do you see a genuine book – with no marketing budget - develop self-sustaining momentum like Fifty Shades of Grey. This ubiquitous cultural force legitimately made its way onto many bestseller lists. 

That's why we're so grateful that real readers like, Jesse Cole, Darrin Mitchell, Tim Beach, and many others willingly share their experiences. Like the Calgary-based, husband-and-wife team of Michael and Paulette Curtis, who want folks in and out of the Stampede City to know why this book matters. 


From Southern Ontario, TEC Canada chair Helen Krapf-Jones experienced a form of time-travel when she explained the impact of The Mona Lisa Effect. 


BIG LITTLE LEGENDS. Released in November of 2021 through Vancouver-based Page Two Publishing, the book with the magical cover is now available through AUDIBLE and Wal-Mart. 


"Heroes get remembered. Legends never die." BABE RUTH

YOUR BRAND. ON TRACK.                                                                                                                                

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“The most important victory is the one which has to arrive” ENZO FERRARI


The wheels of business turn faster each quarter, and your company or industry association may be anxious to stay ahead of the lighting-fast relevance curve. In that respect, we are scheduling many in-person and virtual programs for 2022 with customized content designed to inspire conference attendees to acquire a “STADIUM-SIZED PERSPECTIVE.”


For more information on scheduling an In-Person or Virtual Speaking Program, please send us a note here: bookings@gairmaxwell.com.

Every week, someone asks a question about our videos and our media partner responsible for the storyboarding, production, and editing. Headquartered in the shadows of the CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario, Defiant Astronaut Media is uniquely positioned to help business leaders rethink what's possible with this art form. How you can Sell a Purpose. Not a Product.                                


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“Life moves fast. As much as you can, learn from your history, you have to move forward” EDDIE VEDDER


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