BRAND consulting

The Branding Highway Bootcamp


differentiation and relevance are speed strategies

It all begins when a great leader asks this question: Do we have a compelling story that drives our brand strategy?

For centuries, people connect through powerful stories. Nothing is more effective to rally customers, align teams and differentiate a business than an exciting, authentic story that includes drama, intrigue and the hero's journey. In your product or service category, the future belongs to anyone who chooses a different direction, far from the crowd.

The Branding Highway Bootcamp is the centrepiece of a 60-Day or 90-Day Immersion Program, Virtual or In Person. It has been carefully designed and field-tested to help companies create a Brand Strategy that results in significant differentiation while growing trust and connection in the marketplace.

How One Business Found its competitive edge on the Branding Highway

How does a differentiated and relevant brand strategy impact growth and profitability? Spend a few minutes and see what Tim Beach has to say. Tim admitted to being stuck in the commodity trap when we first met, selling very similar products at similar price points in a noisy, competitive market. With about 120 or so competitors in his trading area, Tim was keenly interested in discovering a practical and proven way to break away from the pack and stop wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on ineffective, outdated marketing tactics. Watch how Tim dove in, pulled his Calgary-based executive team together and made a decision to follow a different path. Since implementing this uniquely original approach in June of 2019, Tim’s company has enjoyed substantial sales growth, record profitability and higher levels of internal engagement. 

Many organizations struggle with marketing and the development of an effective, long-term strategy because: 

  • They do not have a clear message and brand story that speaks to human ideals. They don’t have an identity based on meaningful, human values that transcend their products and services.

  • They get easily swayed and mesmerized by the latest “shiny object” or “magic bullet” that promises to make their marketing headaches go away.

  • They believe brand strategy begins and ends with their choice of a logo or graphic design. While those are important visual elements, they don’t answer a more important question about strategy and positioning.

  • They refuse to recognize the value of establishing an expanded digital footprint with online video as a core component. Nothing sells like emotion, and nothing triggers emotion like a compelling story on video.

We should connect if you aspire to create a brand that delivers a significant impact and separates you from all other players in your competitive space. 

Five Big Problems We Solve

  • Hard to Find Talent

    Shortage of top talent eager to join your team.

  • Lack of Differentiation

    Inability to articulate a clearly differentiated brand message and story to stand apart from your competition.

  • Cultural Misalignment

    Internal misalignment over core values and greater purpose we serve causing mistrust in the workplace.

  • Market Share Decline

    Lack of steady market share growth and invisible public profile.

  • Mixed Brand Messages

    Fragmented and mixed marketing messages that don’t generate brand equity and confuse your audience.

The deliverables

You and your Executive Team will discover: 

Your Narrative

The Differentiator: A distinctive 2-6 word phrase that grabs attention while providing direction to the overall brand strategy.

The Signature Story

An essential story anchors the brand strategy, which creates an irresistible magnetic pull within the marketplace and aligns internal teams.

Your Purpose Statement

Describes your ‘why’ and who you are beyond your products and services.

The Character Diamond

Four values that anchor your business and brand, providing direction for every decision moving forward.


Tactical differentiators online and off, which separate you from your competitors.


You will create your own media company to create trust, connection and credibility in the marketplace. This will align the team and create buy-in from key players in your organization on how to move forward with a singular purpose.