Leaders & Legends: The Series
In-depth case studies and long form essays about everyday leaders who bend the rules in their favour. Join our growing global village of subscribers and discover how like-minded people are creating significant impact, substantial differentiation, cultural alignment and meaningful change within their companies, organizations and communities.
Future of b2b marketing - Part II
It first rumbled into the internet station in 1999.
Hardly anyone noticed or paid much attention.
22 years after the train has long since departed, there are still plenty of people – especially B2B marketers – unaware of how much they’ve been left behind.
Art Colours Life
If you could express what you see and feel solely with the written word, there would be no reason to pick up a paintbrush.
No reason to grab a guitar, play the piano or play some sax.
No need to rap, rhyme, sculpt, sketch or create any form of art.
Canada’s Most notorious Mayor
Step inside your story and own it.
Or stand outside your story and wonder why you don’t stand out.
Becoming your own media company
You run a small organization and future prosperity hinges on being noticed.
Making people stop what they’re doing and pay attention.
What’s Your Reason to Celebrate?
What inspires you to celebrate?
Motivates you to high-five, fist-pump and do the happy dance?
How To Inspire Trust Almost Instantly
Humans are hardwired to give.
You, me and more than 7 billion others inhabiting this spinning, topsy-turvy globe.
Don’t Mess With Texas: The Story Behind A Legend.
In December of 1985, a bumper sticker armed with four powerful words began appearing on pickup trucks all over Texas.
What is Driving Your Brand Strategy?
When was the last time you hopped in your car, truck or SUV and drove aimlessly?
How Would You Define The Heartbeat of a Company?
Could you capture that essence in as few as 2-to-6 words?
What Do You Represent…Beyond What You Sell?
Entering 2021, the stark reality of the business landscape has become all too clear.
There is an increasing divide between those who fared well during the 2020 pandemic and those who did not.
Are You Disturbed by the Sound of Silence?
Have you had private conversations lately where both you and the other person agreed on an opinion with societal consequences, but dared not to share those thoughts on social media?
You had already decided the backlash of public scorn isn’t worth it.
Forward Thinking Leadership
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”. SOCRATES
Top 5 Movies Made For Business Dreamers + Brand Builders
Have you ever walked into a movie theatre and came out feeling like a different person?
Fired-up and forever changed by someone else’s story on the silver screen.
In the midst of this global pandemic and economic downturn, what are the best films any business dreamer could watch to help lift entrepreneurial spirits?
Enormous Challenge OR Massive Opportunity?
Where there is enormous challenge there is also massive opportunity.
Much like the Great Depression of the 1930’s, the global pandemic of 2020 has presented challenging times for everyone.
But, on a scale never before witnessed or experienced.
A Tribute to EVH
Plenty of mixed feelings. Blue melancholy and a touch of sadness blended in with heartfelt gratitude and much admiration for the body of work from a man I have never met.
What IF Building a Brand Was Like Building a House?
Working with entrepreneurs and companies who want to build irresistible brands is like building a new house.
You begin with the foundation.
Good Fortune of Reputational Equity
Geoff has made quite a name for himself.
Originally, from the small town of Vermillion, South Dakota, Geoff headed east and graduated Harvard with a B.A. in economics and earned his M.B.A. at NYU.
Why Reputational Equity Matters Now
In a private memo directed at Berkshire Hathaway’s top managers, Wall Street icon Warren Buffet proclaimed: “We can afford to lose money – even a lot of money. But we can’t afford to lose reputation – even a shred of reputation”.